Terms of Service Cito Media.

This document aims to regulate the terms of service between the provider and a party (hereinafter "the client").
interested in purchasing the professional services of the provider (hereinafter referred to as "the work").
Cito Media - Web Development and Media Solutions (hereinafter "the provider").
Website: www.cito.media and www.marketing.cito.media

  1. General
    1. The provider is authorized to update the terms and conditions periodically at its discretion. The most up-to-date version of the terms and conditions can be found on the website. A specific version of the terms and conditions can be requested from the provider.
    2. Every transaction is subject to the client's agreement to the current terms and conditions at the time of the transaction.
    3. This document is written in masculine language but applies to all genders.
    4. The headings in this document are for convenience purposes only and should not be interpreted as part of the terms.
  2. Provider's Commitment
    1. The provider commits to possessing the necessary abilities, skills, and expertise required for the work undertaken.
  3. Payments
    1. The execution of the work is contingent upon a fixed payment according to the proposed agreement to the client.
    2. The provider reserves the right to suspend (temporarily or permanently) the work based on the client's compliance with the terms of the offer, with an emphasis on timely and full payments as agreed upon.
    3. The payment method will be one of the payment methods offered by the provider within the framework of the agreement. If no payment methods are offered, the transfer of payments will be made via bank transfer.
  4. Timelines
    1. The provider will work within the working hours defined by itself, without interference from the client. The working hours will be based on business days.
    2. The provider will make efforts to adhere to the timeline and deliver the project within the defined deadline. However, there is no obligation to meet the deadline. Complexity may change during development, and unforeseen challenges may cause delays, so the provider does not commit to a specific timeframe.
    3. Commitment to timelines, if any, will be individually defined in a service agreement with the client.
  5. Business Days
    1. Business days for the provider's activities include all days of the year except Fridays, Saturdays, and days on which a holiday, eve of a holiday, or vacation falls.
    2. Notwithstanding the above, the provider is not prevented from working on its own initiative on non-business days, but it will not affect the aforementioned definition of business days for the provider regarding the client.
  6. Work Process
    1. The provider will define the stages of the work from start to completion and communicate them to the client.
    2. The provider will update the client upon completing each stage during the work process. It is the client's responsibility to approve each stage before proceeding to the next. Updates will be provided to the client via email or agreed-upon communication method. If the client does not approve a stage within 2 business days or as specified in a written agreement with the provider, the provider reserves the right to consider the stage approved and proceed to the next stage.
    3. The provider will define the final stage of the project, after which the project will be delivered to the client, and the contract will be concluded. There will be no further obligations between the provider and the client, unless there is a continued warranty period for the product or an ongoing work period within the scope of additional services.
    4. In certain transactions, the client will receive a service agreement that includes, among other things, specific clauses regarding the transaction. The service agreement will run parallel to this terms and conditions document. In the event of any conflicting clauses, the service agreement prevails over the terms and conditions.
  7. Development
    1. All codes will be developed in working environments and technological development environments chosen by the provider.
    2. The codes will be the result of the provider's creation, with the understanding that at times the provider may need to use publicly available professional materials (legally authorized for commercial use) or utilize their skills to incorporate portions of external code.
    3. The provider, at their discretion, may also use their previous code creations that belong to them in terms of intellectual property rights.
    4. If, during the development process, the provider discovers that it is not possible to develop a part of the planned solution for any reason, they will notify the client and reduce the final cost accordingly.
    5. If, during the development process, the client expresses a desire to change the specification, add features, or influence the development process in any way, the provider will inform the client of any potential changes in price. If approved by the client, the final price will be updated based on the required work time for implementing the changes and according to the decision approved by the client.
    6. Additional developments, including new versions, will be priced separately in a separate agreement.
    7. If the agreement is canceled, the provider will cease development.
  8. Service
    1. According to the agreement, there will be a service period for warranty or maintenance.
    2. The warranty period covers bug fixes and technical issues without any cost.
    3. The maintenance period is defined specifically in each agreement, including allocated working hours at a discounted cost, implementing product changes, ongoing support as a service, and similar aspects.
    4. The contract between the provider and the client will continue as long as any type of service period is active.
    5. The provider will provide general and ongoing technical support regarding the product to the client during the service period.
  9. Bugs / Issues
    1. The supplier is responsible for performing basic quality control before the completion stage of development and project submission. After that, the supplier will not be obligated to fix bugs or issues.
    2. However, in certain contracts, the supplier may provide the customer with a predefined warranty period after project completion, or the customer may obtain warranty coverage through monthly payments.
    3. If a valid warranty is in effect, the supplier will fix bugs and issues without any additional cost, according to the following criteria:
      • A critical failure that disables a substantial part of the essential applications, server, or a component of the information hierarchy at the primary level, or disrupts working days or hours, will receive an initial response within one business day from the moment the issue is reported.
      • A non-critical, non-day-to-day operational failure that does not disrupt working days or hours will receive an initial response within 3 business days.
      • As a general rule, there is no commitment to specific repair times, but the supplier will make efforts to address the issues as soon as possible. Each problem or issue may have a different repair time depending on its complexity, so no specific timelines are guaranteed in this regard.
    4. For clarification purposes, the supplier will define what constitutes a bug within the scope of the maintenance service. Possible bugs include crashes, errors, and non-functional slowness. The following will not be considered as bugs: non-user-friendly interfaces, content errors, and similar issues.
    5. If the agreement is terminated, the supplier will not perform any bug fixes at all.
  10. Changes
    1. Any change that is not a repair is not included within the warranty period but rather falls under the maintenance period.
    2. In certain contracts, the supplier will allocate a predefined maintenance period to the customer after project completion, or the customer may receive maintenance services through monthly payments.
    3. If a maintenance period is in effect, the supplier will make changes without any additional cost up to the limit specified in the agreement.
    4. Any change beyond the scope of the predefined maintenance service will be subject to an additional price based on hourly rates (the rates may vary over time, but can be clarified in advance). According to a specific agreement at the supplier's discretion, the hours of work will be priced by the supplier and paid in advance by the customer (based on estimation), or in other cases, the customer will receive an invoice at the end of the month, which they will be required to pay before further work is carried out.
  11. Credit
    1. The supplier will retain credit for themselves on the product in a manner that is not overly prominent or disruptive to end customers.
    2. The credit will include the supplier's brand name and a link to their website.
    3. The supplier is permitted to showcase the project or a copy of the project in their public portfolio for the purpose of displaying it to other potential clients.
    4. The customer has the right to request the removal of the credit or to refrain from inclusion in the portfolio. This request will be fulfilled within 5 business days unless the request is made prior to the commencement of work on the project, in which case no credit or inclusion in the portfolio will be made from the outset.
  12. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. The intellectual property rights exclusively belong to the supplier by virtue of being the creator.
    2. These rights will be transferred to the customer in accordance with the terms of the agreement and only after payment for that transaction has been made. In the event of work suspension, the rights to the work performed up until the suspension date will be subject to proportional payment from the customer for that work.
    3. In the event of contract termination during the work, full intellectual property rights will remain with the supplier.
    4. The supplier permits the customer to make commercial use of the system at their discretion. The customer will bear all responsibility arising from such use.
  13. Transferring the work outside the supplier's maintenance
    1. If the intellectual property rights have been transferred to the customer and they wish to transfer a product developed for them outside the supplier's maintenance, for the purpose of independent maintenance by themselves or another provider, the following conditions shall apply.
    2. The customer shall be entitled to receive all the work, including the associated source files, directly.
    3. The customer shall not be entitled to receive from the supplier any separate product, library, or files that are external to the work or ancillary to it and do not belong to the supplier, meaning they are available for purchase or download from the internet.
    4. The customer shall not be entitled to receive from the supplier any separate product, library, or files that are external to the work or ancillary to it and are the general outcome of ongoing creation and not part of this specific work, such as a general code library used in multiple projects.
    5. The customer shall not be entitled to receive any updates or improvements from the supplier, whether they are specific to their work or global for all supplier's customers.
    6. The supplier is responsible for providing the files and materials only, but is not responsible for providing instructions or carrying out the operation of the product or establishing the work on the separate maintenance platform the customer transitions to. The customer shall receive the files as they are, and the supplier's obligations will end in the case of transfer outside the supplier's maintenance.
  14. Originality
    1. The supplier has the ability to develop and design unique and original products. The customer can request changes as specified in the contract or provide references for inspiration. In any such case, the supplier does not take responsibility and is not obligated for originality. The customer assumes full responsibility for all aspects of originality and uniqueness, including intellectual property rights, including brand aspects (such as name, slogan, colors, logo, etc.).
  15. Exclusivity
    1. The supplier shall not develop the same idea based on the specification or a similar idea directly and explicitly, or based on the original idea of the client, or on an identical concept to the concept of this project, in front of any other third party. It is emphasized that the project specification will define the central concept.
    2. If the supplier wishes to use the project for purposes other than technical (e.g., commercial) or to independently develop the system without any connection to the client, written approval from the client will be required.
  16. Privacy
    1. The provider shall maintain the confidentiality of the client's information and the transaction's discretion, including the proposal.
    2. However, despite the above, the provider may disclose user information to law enforcement authorities without further consent or notice to the client, pursuant to a lawful demand from authorized agencies. The provider fully cooperates with law enforcement authorities.
    3. The client must ensure that the received proposal is kept confidential and shall not disclose it to unauthorized parties. If the client shares the proposal with others, they must ensure that confidentiality is maintained by their own confidentiality partners. The proposal is personal, confidential, and not intended for transfer to a third party.
  17. Confidentiality
    1. The provider shall maintain the confidentiality of the project among all the collaborators involved in the work. In this regard, only confidential information shall be preserved, including documents, plans, files, ideas, information, and any content sent by the client within the project or prepared by the provider.
    2. Non-confidential information includes the project name and description, where neither of them discloses additional information.
    3. The provider shall disclose the information solely to team members (such as employees or consultants) who are involved in the project. Team members shall also be bound by confidentiality, both individually for the project and based on general confidentiality provisions stipulated in the employment agreement.
    4. The client is responsible for maintaining confidentiality as per their own discretion.
  18. Content Input
    1. The client will provide the supplier with project content, such as website page content, text for the logo or graphic design, brand name, and similar items.
    2. The supplier does not assume responsibility for the content. It is the client's responsibility to ensure compliance with copyright laws and determine which information and content they are allowed to use for commercial, trade, or personal purposes.
    3. Media files, including images, videos, and sound files, are also considered content.
    4. In certain agreements, content entry services may be provided. The supplier is committed to uploading only content that is legally permissible. It is the client's responsibility to verify and assume responsibility for such content.
    5. The client is responsible for writing and assuming responsibility for the terms of use of their own personal product.
    6. In any situation, the supplier will not be held responsible in any way for the content entered into the system, whether by the client or on their behalf, even if requested by the client or on their behalf, including cases where the content violates copyright, contains offensive material, slander, or content prohibited by law.
  19. Information Input
    1. Data entry into the dynamic systems created within the project (e.g., product database, list of items, etc.) is the sole responsibility of the client.
    2. Notwithstanding the above, it is possible that within a transaction, the supplier may perform initial data entry only if explicitly agreed upon in advance.
  20. Accessibility
    1. The supplier is not obligated to comply with the guidelines set forth in the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations. It is the responsibility of the client to seek advice or obtain services from professionals in the field of accessibility if accessibility is critical to them. However, the supplier will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the project and its products are accessible to the best of its abilities.
    2. The supplier does not assume any responsibility for any issues arising from the accessibility of the project.
  21. Damages
    1. In no event shall the supplier be liable for any consequential or incidental damages incurred by the client as a result of using the product or service, or as a result of the client's inability to use it, including cases of loss of profits, compromised data security, business interruption, or other financial losses related to or arising from the project.
    2. The supplier shall not be held responsible for any business or economic damages resulting from improper use of the project, technical malfunctions, or the loss of information due to any reason.
    3. In any such case or otherwise, the maximum liability of the supplier to the client shall not exceed half of the consideration paid by the client to the supplier.
    4. For the avoidance of doubt, in no situation shall the supplier be liable for any damages to the client's business. The supplier makes no warranties, whether expressed or implied, for the services rendered. The supplier disclaims any responsibility for suitability for a specific purpose, including data loss due to delays, service disruptions, incorrect information, or service interruptions caused by the supplier or its team members.
  22. Securing
    1. The client is responsible for securing themselves and anyone acting on their behalf in relation to the project. This includes using unique and hard-to-detect passwords, granting permissions to external applications, and similar measures.
    2. The supplier does not guarantee maximum-level data security. The supplier specializes in the services provided but not in data security. It is the client's responsibility to consult or seek services from professionals in the field of data security if data security is critical to them. However, the supplier will make efforts to ensure that the project and its products are secured to the best of its abilities.
  23. External Interference
    1. The supplier shall not be held liable for any product, including code, design, or any other type of product, if there has been external interference by the client or any party acting on their behalf, or by a third party introduced by the client.
    2. In such cases, the supplier is not obligated to perform any repairs or fixes.
  24. Communication
    1. Generally, the supplier will not tolerate harassment from the client. For clarification, the client should not contact the supplier more than a reasonable amount of times in order to avoid disrupting the supplier's regular operations.
    2. In addition, the supplier will not tolerate rudeness, unpleasantness, aggression, insolence, or any form of violence towards them or their team.
    3. If the supplier feels that this clause is violated, they are entitled to terminate the agreement.
  25. Reputation
    1. The supplier and the client shall maintain each other's good reputation, refrain from publishing negative criticism, spreading rumors, or harming each other's good name in a mutual manner.
    2. The terms of this section of the agreement shall remain in force in the event of any cancellation of this agreement.
  26. Limitation of Liability
    1. In no event shall the Provider, its directors, employees, or partners be liable to the Customer or any third party for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including loss of profits or data, arising from the Customer's use of the services, or any user content, user websites, user products, or other materials accessed or downloaded through the services, even if the Provider is aware of or has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    2. The Customer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Provider, its directors, employees, and affiliates, from and against any claim, damages, loss, liability, action, demand, and expense that any third party threatens or brings against them or any party with compensation as a result of the Customer's use of the Provider's services or any breach of this agreement by the Customer or any action or omission by the Customer.
    3. Notwithstanding any contrary provision in this document, the Provider's liability to the Customer, or any claim made by any third party through the Customer, for any reason whatsoever, regardless of the mode of operation, is limited to the amount paid by the Customer to the Provider. This is a final limitation, and any existence beyond a single claim shall not enlarge this limitation.
    4. The terms of this section of the agreement shall survive any termination of this agreement.
  27. Guidance
    1. As needed, the Provider will provide the Customer with one training session regarding the project, including the usage and critical specific matters.
    2. Training sessions will be conducted within 7 business days from the project submission date, according to the agreed schedule.
    3. The Provider will make the decision whether the project requires training. There is no obligation on the part of the Provider to conduct training. The Customer is allowed to request training if deemed necessary.
    4. The training will be conducted in a manner chosen by the Provider, including remote access to the target computer, a phone call, or a meeting with the Customer.
  28. Media Content
    1. For the purpose of the work, the provider may use various free media content or, alternatively, licensed content from authorized media repositories.
    2. The proposal does not include searching and acquiring images, 3D models, special fonts, illustrations, prints, scans, travel, courier services, or any other service not specified in the original proposal.
    3. The client is allowed to provide their own media content as long as it is legally owned or authorized for personal use.
    4. The provider will not make changes to the media content unless explicit permission is granted by the rights holder.
  29. Data
    1. The responsibility for collecting the retained data as part of the information lies with the client.
    2. The aforementioned responsibility also applies to the protection of user privacy and the confidentiality of the information.
  30. Sorage and Hosting
    1. Storage for various products, including websites, is provided as a third-party service and managed by the provider.
    2. The provider does not guarantee 100% stability and functionality of this service.
    3. It is prohibited to use the storage for purposes other than its intended use.
    4. The storage will be continuously managed by the provider, and the client will not have direct access to it. The client can submit a request for access, but it is subject to the provider's discretion based on security and privacy considerations.
    5. In any such case or otherwise, the storage will not be used for malicious purposes, such as illegal activities. The provider reserves the right to immediately disconnect and even delete storage services for clients if requested by authorized security reasons or if illegal activity is detected in the storage.
    6. The provider is not responsible for data loss or temporary or permanent malfunction/failure of the hard drive.
    7. Backup Services:
      • The provider performs regular backups according to the systems and tools available to them.
      • The provider does not guarantee a sufficiently up-to-date backup for the client's needs and performs backups at their discretion.
      • The provider is not obligated to provide backup files to the client for internal reasons. The client may request them, and if possible, they will be provided.
    8. Option for External Storage Transfer:
      • A client who wishes to transfer to external storage can do so with the provider's approval (as not all product source files are provided in every transaction, and it may not always be possible to operate it in external storage).
      • The provider is not obligated to assist in the actual transfer. The client can request assistance, but this action may involve additional fees.
      • The provider does not take responsibility for any such or other malfunctions that may occur in external storage. Once the client has transferred to external storage, the responsibility for the storage ceases, and it is not managed by the provider's team.
      • In general, team members from the provider are not authorized to manage products and services stored externally.
  31. Websites
    1. In order for a website to be accessible to the public, it requires hosting and a domain. It is the responsibility of the client to obtain hosting and a domain either independently or as part of the agreement with the provider.
    2. The compatibility of the website with browsers or devices will be according to the client's request and specifications. Due to the fact that browsers, devices, or access methods may vary over time, the provider will perform tests and adjustments based on the specified access methods only. This does not require the provider to update the website for new compatibilities unless otherwise agreed upon in the contract or as part of maintenance.
    3. The client is responsible for providing content and images for the website. The provider will not delay the project due to the absence of content and will deliver the project upon completion, with or without content.
    4. Any changes made after the project submission are the responsibility of the client, including texts, images, and similar elements. If the client is entitled to working hours for changes (e.g., as part of a monthly maintenance agreement), they may request the provider to make the changes.
    5. The provider is authorized to hold access details and user credentials (User) with full management permissions on the website as long as the service period is valid.
    6. It is the client's responsibility to protect the security of authorized users accessing their website.
    7. It is the client's responsibility to manage and deal with spam on the website, including bots. The provider will make efforts to assist using technological tools when necessary.
    8. At times, technological updates may occur on the website without the knowledge of the provider and the client. These updates may cause malfunctions. If the service is in effect, the provider will fix such malfunctions for the client.
    9. In websites under active service, the provider and their team may occasionally access the website to check its correctness, both as a visitor and as a user performing actions. The provider will fix any malfunctions discovered during these checks. Nevertheless, the client should refrain from reporting malfunctions if they encounter them.
    10. In case of a website with a management system, the client is entitled to request one-time guidance for its usage.
  32. Third Parties
    1. For the purpose of clarification, the terms in this section of the agreement refer to server-side service systems that deal with working with databases, algorithms, information management, and the like.
    2. The provider does not guarantee 100% stability and functioning of this service.
    3. Different systems require different server specifications and architectural structures. It is the client's responsibility to ensure the availability of these specifications for the provider's work or, alternatively, to purchase them as part of the agreement.
    4. The servers are provided as a third-party service and are managed by the provider.
    5. The server is continuously managed by the provider, and the client will not have direct access to it. The client can submit a request for access, but it is subject to the provider's discretion for security and privacy reasons.
    6. In any such case, the server shall not be used for malicious purposes, such as illegal activities. The provider reserves the right to disconnect and even immediately delete customer servers if requested to do so due to legitimate security reasons or if illegal activity is detected on the server.
    7. The provider is not responsible in the event of data loss or temporary or permanent server malfunction/failure.
    8. The provider does not support the transfer of server-side systems to external servers.
  33. Logo Design
    1. A logo for the client will be designed up to a specified number of sketches allocated in the agreement. The sketches will be presented to allow the client to understand their preferences without being overwhelmed by too many directions. Deviation from the number of sketches will only be done through an expanded agreement.
    2. The client will make the final choice of the logo, although the provider will provide their professional opinion.
    3. A single change in color or text will not be considered an exploitation of a sketch from the allocation.
    4. The client will receive the logo as files in recommended sizes and formats, but they are allowed to request additional versions.
    5. The client may request source files, although this request may not always be approved, as sometimes licensed fonts are used in the logo.
  34. Graphic Design
    1. In addition to receiving the design, the client is allowed to request isolated changes to colors, text, and images.
    2. The provider does not guarantee adaptation of the design to every specific print. For customization purposes, the client is invited to seek guidance from the printing entity (including a specific printing house) or directly communicate with the provider.
    3. If the design is intended to appear in a specific physical location (such as a roll-up banner or signage), it is desirable for the client to send a picture of the location to ensure optimal adaptation of the design.
    4. The client may request source files of the design. However, this request may not always be approved, as licensed fonts are sometimes used in the design.
  35. Marketing
    1. It is the client's responsibility to provide accurate contact information, including phone number, email, and address, in order to direct marketing efforts to them.
    2. The client is responsible for providing as much information as possible, including operational areas, opening hours, services, and more, to ensure optimal marketing customization.
    3. The overall goal of marketing efforts is to generate leads, but the provider does not guarantee leads. Online marketing can be complex and may vary depending on the industry.
    4. In addition to the above clause, it is important to note that the provider's task is to direct leads to the client. It is the client's responsibility to "close" deals with the leads and perform sales processes.
    5. Marketing expenses, such as social media maintenance, do not include a paid promotion budget. This budget will be transferred separately, directly to the social media platform, using a credit card connection.
  36. Google Ads
    1. The promotion period will be subject to a minimum commitment of 3 months.
    2. The client will not have access to the Google Ads management account in order to maintain business confidentiality and data security.
    3. The provider is authorized to define the allocation of the paid budget according to their professional discretion.
    4. In the event that the client terminates the service, it is the provider's responsibility to disable the Google Ads account. No access is transferred even at this stage. The client is encouraged to open their own Google Ads account.
    5. The client will provide credit card details for campaign charges on the Google Ads platform.
    6. The client will predefine the budget they are willing to invest in the paid promotion before the start of the campaign. The provider can assist with professional aspects and recommendations.
    7. Communication with the global Google network regarding the account will be conducted solely through the provider.
  37. Management and Promotion - Facebook
    1. The promotion period will be a minimum commitment of 3 months.
    2. The Facebook page will be created by the provider or, if one already exists, it will be redefined and redesigned by the provider.
    3. The provider must have at least one authorized person ("admin") with full access to the business page.
    4. The provider does not guarantee a specific number of likes, comments, engagements, etc.
    5. The provider is not obligated to provide any additional management or representational services beyond those stated in the proposal.
    6. The client is allowed to actively manage their page in collaboration with the provider, according to the strategic plan. Critical to the client is customer service and providing professional responses to business-related inquiries.
    7. The client should not change page settings, including profile picture, cover photo, etc., without prior coordination with the provider, to maintain professionalism.
    8. If the agreement includes paid promotion management, the client should not perform any paid promotions independently.
    9. The provider is authorized to allocate the budget according to their professional judgment.
    10. If the client terminates the service, the provider is responsible for transferring full authorization to the client. The provider will not remove their own permissions, but the client has the right to do so at any time.
    11. The client will provide credit card details for the purpose of advertising campaign billing on the Facebook platform.
    12. The client will predefine the budget they are willing to invest in paid promotion prior to starting the campaign. They can seek professional advice and recommendations from the provider.
    13. All communication with the global Facebook network regarding the account will be conducted exclusively through the provider.
  38. Management and Promotion - YouTube
    1. The promotion period will be a minimum commitment of 3 months.
    2. The YouTube channel will be created by the provider or, if one already exists, it will be redefined and redesigned by the provider.
    3. The provider will have private access to the YouTube account. The client and related parties may also be exposed to the access details.
    4. The provider does not guarantee a specific number of subscribers, comments, views, etc.
    5. The provider is not obligated to provide any additional management or representational services beyond those stated in the proposal.
    6. The client is allowed to actively manage their channel in collaboration with the provider, according to the strategic plan.
    7. The client should not change channel settings, including the cover photo, without prior coordination with the provider, to maintain professionalism.
    8. If the agreement includes paid promotion management, the client should not perform any paid promotions independently.
    9. The provider is authorized to allocate the budget according to their professional judgment.
    10. If the client terminates the service, it is the provider's responsibility to transfer access details to the client. The client has the right to modify these details so that the provider no longer has access to the channel.
    11. The client will provide credit card details for the purpose of advertising campaign billing on the YouTube platform (via Google).
    12. The client will predefine the budget they are willing to invest in paid promotion prior to starting the campaign. They can seek professional advice and recommendations from the provider.
    13. All communication with the global YouTube network (via Google) regarding the account will be conducted exclusively through the provider.
  39. Management and Promotion - Instagram
    1. The promotion period will be a minimum commitment of 3 months.
    2. The Instagram page will be created by the provider or, if one already exists, it will be redefined and redesigned by the provider.
    3. The provider will have private access to the Instagram account. The client and related parties may also be exposed to the access details.
    4. The provider does not guarantee a specific number of followers, comments, views, etc.
    5. The provider is not obligated to provide any additional management or representational services beyond those stated in the proposal.
    6. The client is allowed to actively manage their page in collaboration with the provider, according to the strategic plan.
    7. The client should not change page settings, including profile picture, story highlights, etc., without prior coordination with the provider, to maintain professionalism.
    8. If the agreement includes paid promotion management, the client should not perform any paid promotions independently.
    9. The provider is authorized to allocate the budget according to their professional judgment.
    10. If the client terminates the service, it is the provider's responsibility to transfer access details to the client. The client has the right to modify these details so that the provider no longer has access to the page.
    11. The client will provide credit card details for the purpose of advertising campaign billing on the Instagram platform (via Facebook).
    12. The client will predefine the budget they are willing to invest in paid promotion prior to starting the campaign. They can seek professional advice and recommendations from the provider.
    13. All communication with the global Instagram network (via Facebook) regarding the account will be conducted exclusively through the provider.
  40. Technological Drive
    1. The technological drive response period will be predefined as part of the agreement.
    2. This period may be shortened if it becomes evident that significant drive support is not required.
    3. Communication with the technological drive will be conducted via telephone or through communication means agreed upon between the provider and the client in the private agreement.
    4. The drive is committed to providing an initial response within 3 hours from the moment of contact.
    5. The provider does not guarantee specific troubleshooting repair times as each issue may have unique complexities that cannot be predicted in advance.
  41. Cancelling a transaction
    1. Cancellation of the transaction will occur in one of the following situations:
      • Either party has the right to terminate the contract at their own discretion and must notify the other party in writing.
      • For any reason, the provider or the client may be unable to continue participating in the collaboration (e.g., financial problems, business overload, medical constraints, natural disasters, security emergencies, etc.).
      • Violation of the agreement by either party.
    2. The supplier reserves the right to discontinue the work and cancel the agreement at any stage of the project at its sole discretion. For example, in the case of non-payment of full amounts on time and/or inappropriate behavior by the client and/or delays in providing feedback or delivering materials and/or requirements that deviate from the agreement and similar cases. In the event of work cessation by the supplier, the customer will be entitled to a refund as required by law.
    3. In the event of work cessation by the customer at any stage, regardless of the reason for the cessation, a written notice will be sent to the supplier. In such a case, the supplier will be entitled to payment based on the hours worked until the notice of cessation (according to the details provided to the customer), plus an additional 30% of the remaining total payment (after deducting the already paid portion) for loss and cancellation of resource allocation.
    4. If the agreement is declared canceled, the supplier will have no further obligations or responsibilities regarding any technical issues or changes, whether or not they make use of the transferred files.
    5. After the aforementioned actions from both parties, neither of them will be bound to each other any longer.
    6. For the sake of clarification, the supplier is not obligated to refund any money to the customer in any situation.
    7. Cancellation of the transaction will be in accordance with consumer protection regulations.

This terms of service was last updated on: 06/16/2023.